Immigration Department Notice
Following the issuance of a directive by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government (the “Ministry”) on a crackdown on illegal foreign workers in Kenya, the Ministry and Department of Immigration has issued a Notice that a verification exercise of all work permit holders […]
Legal updates for February 2018
Legal updates for February 2018.
Monthly legislative updates for February 2018
Monthly legislative updates for February 2018.
Ban of Plastic Bags In Kenya
Following the ban on plastic carrier bags and flat bags by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) last year, it was expected that regulations would follow shortly to provide the regulatory framework for compliance.
Conversion of Freehold and Leasehold Properties Owned by Non-Citizens
On 24 November the Land Regulations, 2017 were gazette. The Regulations provide the process by which freehold titles and leasehold titles with a tenure of over 99 years owned by non-citizens would be converted into leasehold titles of no more than 99 years.
New act governing the use of movable property as security
The Act came into force on 16 May 2017 and regulations under the Act have also been gazetted but are not yet available from the Government Printer.
Legal updates for July 2017
A list of legislation gazetted in July along with an analysis of the key legal in competition law.
Review of the competition leniency programme guidelines
A review of the recently published Competition Authority of Kenya Leniency Programme Guidelines looking at how it works who will benefit.
Monthly legislative updates for July 2017
A round up of legislation gazetted in July 2017.
Guidelines for extension and renewal leases
On 9 June the Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in consultation with the National Land Commission (the “NLC”) issued the ‘Guidelines for Extension and Renewal of Leases’ (the “Guidelines”). The intention is to create a clear process for the renewal or extension of leases.
Monthly legislative update June 2017
A round up of legislation gazetted in June 2017.
The employment (amendment) bill, 2017 and the breastfeeding mothers bill, 2017
Recently published in the Kenya Gazette were two significant pieces of draft legislation that seek to enhance women’s rights in the work place: the Employment (Amendment) Bill, 2017 (the Employment Bill); and the Breastfeeding Mothers Bill, 2017 (the Breastfeeding Bill).
Monthly legislative updates for May 2017
A round up of legislation gazetted in May 2017.
Changes to insurance licensing regimes
The Insurance (Amendment) Regulations, 2017 (Regulations) were published in the Kenya Gazette by the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury on 7 April 2017.
A welcome confirmation from the court of appeal on redundancy
We thought it would be useful to begin by defining Redundancy. This occurs where an employer-employee relationship is terminated through no fault of the employee but rather the employee’s services are no longer required as they have become superfluous.
Legislation updates April 2017
A round up of legislation gazetted in April.
Legal updates for May 2017
A list of legislation gazetted in May along with an analysis of the key legal developments involving redundancy, insurance, employment and finance.
Updates on Key Legislation March 2017
A list of legislation gazetted in March along with an analysis of the key legal developments involving immigration, tax and property.
Advance Payment of CGT Declared Unconstitutional
This month the High Court has produced another landmark decision when it declared the requirement to pay capital gains tax before the transfer of the property unconstitutional.
Monthly Legislative Update March 2017
A round up of legislation gazetted in March 2017.